Jeff and I met my parents at the Llano Earth Art Fest in Llano, Texas! This trip was inspired by our dear friend Brock Butler who is the lead singer of the band Saltwater Slide . They were the main act on the beaches of the Llano River. Saltwater Slide is a conscious reggae rock band that will knock your socks off! They bring so much energy, personality, and soul to every gig. Check out their song Who Dropped the Dime! That’s our favorite but they are all worth listening to!

The festival was full of unique sculptures made of the earth and mostly made of river rock. These artists have skill!
We camped across the street at Llano City Park for only $10 a night and it was on the honor system. We just put our money in a locked box. That included water, electric, and sewer! The bonus was the bluebonnets were in full bloom! This spot overlooked the river with beautiful views! We took nice morning walks and let the dogs swim in the cool water. If you’re ever near Llano, the LEAF FEST happens every year.We recommend it for sure!