Lovebussin to Big Bend
Straight out of the gate in January of 2019 we headed to Big Bend National Park in Texas . On this trip we were thrilled to have my teenage daughter Madilyn along! Heading southwest this time of year we didn’t expect the weather that we encountered. There was so much rain and sleet at freezing temperatures that our windshield wipers froze still and then wouldn’t turn back on so every couple of miles we would pull to the side of the road in the middle of no where to scrape the ice off manually. That was a cold job. We continued on and made it to Terlingua Ranch RV park by dusk. When we thought we arrived we turned onto a dirt road that was very long and we felt like we might have been lost. As we drove towards our campsite deep feelings arose inside of us from the mystical, mysterious, breathtaking layers of desert magic that lay before us. It was eerie in the desert as it quickly became pitch black. We stopped concerned and confused and were waved on by a black truck in the night. We eventually checked in and our campsite was on the side of a mountain. Ha! A little scary getting up there but we were grateful for the amazing views. Some mornings we woke up to ice covered bush and mountains at our RV park and we hiked up to frozen waterfalls in Big Bend.

Other days were sunny and quite pleasant. We hiked every day and took the jeep on some really fun jeep trails. All in all this was a great first stop.